Monday, March 15, 2010

Close to St. Patrick's Day (2 days)

I played at the playground. I played Mario. Most of the koopalings don't have powers, so they have wands. But Bowser is the only one who can shoot fire out of his mouth, that is blue fire. I defeated bowser because I was mini Mario. I went up and over Bowser, and hit the pow block, and he fell down into the lava off of the bridge. Because the pow block makes the bridge fall apart. Hunter was Yoshi. Bowser was Rhett. We had some costumes in our classroom. My teacher had a robot that was Yoshi. Bowser's airship was the playground.

I went to the assembly. I saw my brother, KAW. The assembly was about RESPECT. I got to sing the Respect song. We did super well.

I did centers. I played The Cat and the Hat Comes Back tic tac toe. I did reading with My Teacher. I read to her the Cat in the Hat Comes Back. We did everything about Dr. Seuss. I writted about The Cat and the Hat Comes Back.

In PE, I played get the crabs. Then I did a short recess. We watched The Cat and the Hat Comes Back movie. Then I came home and laid down at the park in a warm spot. I pretended like it was the beach. Then I came in and had lunch.

I did my homework. I worked on the number 29. I did a spelling test, my words were: but, all, not, were, what, men, and read. Then I did my journal.


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