Wednesday, August 25, 2010

1st day of 3rd grade

I got off the bus and went into school to the play yard. I went in line and I went in. Mrs. VanWangenen told us the rules, and other things, and we sang a song. Then we did a worksheet about us, then B track came in. When they came in, we did another page.

And then, we went to lunch. For lunch, I had carrots, yogurt and an apple. I forgot about the sandwich. It was in the bottom pocket of my lunch bag, so I forgot it.

After lunch, we went into silent reading time. Mrs V.W. read this book about a girl and her family was really weird. One day when their paper boy came there, he said your family is weird your dad wears an umbrella while he rides around and he sings opera. Your mom wears her sneakers everywhere she even wears them in her see through galoshes. Your sister she collects can labels and she rides her roller skates while singing opera on her way to school. That was the end of chapter one.
After that, we went to P.E. We played greedy gray octopus. And another game that I can't remember. We went back into the class and we made a flag with a balloon on it.

After that I went home. When I got off the bus, I went to check to see if the soda machine was working but it. wasn't so instead we got gum balls. Then I went home and when I went through the door my mom was really excited to see me.

I feel happy about my first day of school. Mrs. V.W> has a popcorn machine. She is really fun and I did well with her today. I'm excited to see my friends Luke, Caleb, Xavier, Kenneth and Jeanette. Kyler was in my class too.

The End.

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